The quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure.
The quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure.
The line or course on which something is moving or is aimed to move or along which something is pointing or facing, e.g., control, guidance, leadership, order, angle, area, aspect, objective, orientation, path.
A feeling of very strong support for or loyalty to someone or something, e.g., adherence, allegiance, commitment, devotion, single-mindedness.
By W.C. Mitchell
Is there a numerical code embedded within traditional Hebraic creation dating capable of exposing the construction of a cyclic recreation matrix and its ability to generate a continual negation of the coming of a higher order of thought? Could this thought constitute the first matter of consciousness stemming from dark energy/dark matter? Could this higher order of thought be the formulation of what we understand today as the mythological/theological coming and return of Christ?
The Gregorian calendar gives January 1, 6001AD, as the date beginning the 7th millennium. This date is almost 4,000 years in the future from the year 2024AD. The coded parallel exposing this matrix is visualized numerically as 6,001 years from year 3761AM (the Hebraic date beginning creation) or 4,004BC, to the year 5758AM or 1997/98AD. The date 5758AM or 1997/98 signals the Hebraic end of creation date. These 6,001 years would reflect the biblical day one to day six of creation totaling 6,001 years. When the numbers 3761AM are subtracted from 5758AM the total equals 1,997, i.e., the Gregorian date of the year 1997 or the millennium’s beginning. Its reckoning is 2,001 years from the birth of Christ, circa 4BC, to his return traditionally dated as occurring in 1997. When the period of 1,997 years is added to 4,004BC years the total is 6,001 years. Many scholars concede the birth of Christ to be 4BC which is 4,000 years after the creation date of 4004BC/3761AM. As such, 2,001 years would pass before we entered the date of year 1997 totaling 6,001 years, i.e., the 7th millennium. Could these 2,001 years be the equation of the year 2001AD, as the 7th millennium, equative to the 7th day or 7,000th year in which the Hebrew creator is cited as resting from the work of creation some 6,001 years prior?
Researcher and cold case file enthusiast W. C. Mitchell explores the revelation of the event of the 2nd coming of Christ as having occurred in our time and its subsequent negation or removal from our reality. Could a plot have been devised, existing in plain sight, to remanufacture events such as those cited in the Book of Daniel surrounding the attempted thief of the 1,000-year dominion and cutting-off of the Christ as an overlay of the events of Revelation 20:4 mathematically equal to the timeframe of year 2004 as to when this would occur?
W.C. Mitchell opens the window of time and space into our world and casual view revealing the workings of the formulation of a recreation matrix involving the absence of the biblical creator god in the 7th millennium, in accordance with the biblical 7th day of rest, whose effect would override the timeframe and events to occur at the onset of the 6,001-year period at which time the Christ is slated to return. This appears to be the reference point initiating an imminent collision to occur subsequently resulting in an overlay of a 6,000th years’ events (Christs’ 1,000-year rule) with a 7,000th year, i.e., a seventh millennium, aka the seventh day, where the creator god is absence. The events of Dan. 7:25-26 show that an attempted theft of the dominion occurred but was thwarted though the Christ was cut-off in the attempt (Dan. 9:26). The architects of this code of course knew that the occurrence of the biblical 7th day of rest, equative to 7,000 years later, i.e., the 7th millennium (of 6,001 years), would negate the 1,000-year rule or dominion which would come into effect after 6,001 years, i.e., in the year 1997. Thus, this attempt would only appear to have succeeded if applied at the on-set of the 7th millennium of 6,001 years.
These verses speak of an entity described as the “prince” of the people, "that shall come". Nostradamus prophesized this event as initiating in 1999 and on between the years 2000 and 2007, culminating within the last half of the year 2003. My book exposes these facts as the reasoning behind the re-initiation and utilization of directed energy weapons (DEW) technology against the general public whose purpose would be to manifest the psychoses of a programmed state of inertia within the minds of the masses the world over in facilitation of the success of this manufactured event. The prenatal history of the re-initiation of directed energy weapons development involving the likes of Nickola Tesla and Albert Einstein, etc., including just who this mysterious entity is that would attempt to change the time and laws, as spoken of in Daniel, altering the future, is detailed in my book Cold Case File 888 - Jesus Christ (Book One).
Jesus appeared at the beginning of the 1st millennium AD (circa 4BC) and based upon Hebraic tradition is to return upon the 6th millennium or 6,000th year (1997/2001). Could a technology be developed which would allow the masses to see what appears as an angel of light which they are led to believe is their Christ?
The Hebrew text of the Old Testimony tells us that the Angel of the LORD [מַלְאַךְ יְהוָה] was an entity named Malek [מֶלֶךְ] who the Hebrew God spoke through throughout the Old Testimony. Exodus 23:20-21 cites that YHWH makes clear “my name is in him" [referring to Malek the Angel of the LORD]. As revealed in the Hebrew script below, as can be seen, YHWH’s name [יהוה] is part of the spelling of the name Yehoshua [יְהוֹשֻׁעַ], (read from right to left) as well. In Exodus 23:22 YHWH makes clear that it is His words speaking from the Angel, (“…obey his voice, and do all that I speak”). The text tells us that this angel entity was none other than the YHWH or Yahweh, [יְהוָה] called Malek [מַלְאַךְ יְהוָה] translating to Malek YHWH, who is cited as Lord of host, Redeemer, etc., in the Hebrew Bible. These titles of course include the various epithets associated with the Christ of the New Testimony. YHWH’s name is in Malek’s name as it is in Yehoshua’s name. This would suppose that it is Malek [מַלְאַךְ יְהוָה] or Yehoshua [יְהוֹשֻׁעַ] who would be pierced, as stated in Zechariah 12:10 regarding the cutting-off of Christ, "...so that when they look on me, on Him whom they have pierced...." Bible scholars tells us that this is YHWH speaking as it regards his own death, under the name Malek, i.e., Yehoshua [יְהוֹשֻׁעַ], who would die on the cross, at the hands of the Jews and the power structure of the Roman Empire. This actual event would occur some 600 years after Zechariah's prophecy and prophesized of some 100 years prior (c. 671BC) to it in the Book of Isaiah, chapter 53 (the forbidden chapter). In the New Testimony the people promote the cutting-off of the Christ in belief that he is not their “mashiach” (Anointed One), i.e., Yehoshua. If this is so, it could not be Malek/Yehoshua who was cut-off as given in Isaiah and Zechariah. Cold Case File 888 - Jesus Christ (Book One) exposes the entity spoken of by Daniel 'that shall come', to be none other than Malek and who would also, in the future, be the evil entity spoken of by Nostradamus. It also exposes the technologies reinitiated circa 1905 (as detailed by Edgar Cayce circa 1932 to 36) that would at the turn of the century and beyond, circa 2000-2007, become what we know today as directed energy weapons technology (DEW)and their utilization.
Could directed energy weapons technology have been reinstituted in our time for the express purpose of facilitating the negation of the return of consciousness to the minds of the masses idealized as the 2nd coming of Christ?
Sometime between the years c. 1730s and 1800AD the Count St. Germain spoke of the effect of directed energy weapons technology (V2K, etc.) upon the masses generating, “seething vortices of humanly discordant thoughts and feelings which he described as imposed daily [upon the masses at large] producing a hypnotic effect upon almost everyone on earth.” He goes on to explain, “These [humanly discordant thoughts and feelings] tend to nullify the great concentration of intelligence [and] creative power that is the birthright of every man, woman, and child on this planet….” St. Germain describes this consciousness or thought as a 'great concentration of intelligence', and a deliverance, “which increasing numbers among mankind seek after.” He describes a parallel or duality to these seekers in the form of what he calls “reactionary elements”, “who either with or without purpose, attempt to burden the race with new shackles each time deliverance from one form or another of human bondage is secured.” The contention is that St. Germain is speaking of the affects of DEW technology imposed upon the masses as maybe something having occurred in ancient times, or had occurred in his time, or something he had knowledge of that would occur in the future. Either way, it is further believed that he is speaking of a timeframe and an event reflecting the return of consciousness, i.e., the first matter of dark energy/dark matter, aka, thought, disquised as the return of Christ.
BACK COVER SUMMARY: Rumor among the ancients, the memory of which man has long forgotten, told of a device whose content possessed capabilities which included that of a time/space portal whose particular dynamics allowed it to breach the constraints of the heavenly and material plane at will. This device held the secrets of both planes, and it was believed 9 other planes (dimensions) of existence as well. As based upon this device’s simple mathematics, everything composing man’s material universe that was, is, and will be, essentially emanated from it. Cho Boye believed he had stumbled across just such a device and its secrets. NASA, having knowledge of the use of this device’s technology in the past by others, and its purpose, thus constructed an event labeled “The Blue Beam Hoax” which detailed the use of directed energy weapons, as well as protocols and doctrines surrounding the negation of the return of consciousness to the masses of the world in the guise of an overlay of the events of the 19th/20th chapters of the Book of Revelation up to chapter 20:4-5. The events these verses detail would be replaced with the events cited in Daniel 7:25-26 and 9:26. This was scheduled to initiate circa 1905, finalizing in 2005, in line with Nostradamus' long century prophecy.
My book Cold Case File 888 – Jesus Christ (Book One) highlights the prophecies of Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce pin-pointing the occurrence of the condition of the masses as spoken of by St. Germain. Its pages expose an historical attempt to negate the return of consciousness to the minds of the dwellers of the earth via the remanufacture of the biblical Alpha and Omega of Creation, whose reality would be enforced through the utilization of directed energy weapons reinitiated circa 1905. Nostradamus’ long century prophecy exposes a 100-year period, from 1905 to 2005, concerning a plot involving the generation of a mass psychoses he describes as the "sports of the ghostly sacrifice" implementing a state of programmed inertia among the masses facilitating the passage of a spacetime enmeshment of the events cited in the Book of Daniel (7:25-26 and 9:26) allowing their overlay atop the events of the 19th and 20th chapter of Revelation up to its 4th and 5th verse, equating the years 2004-05, signaling the nullification of the occurrence of the events cited in those verses of Revelation. Nostradamus' long century decoded is the 100 years from the birth of Christ (c. 4BC) to his written resurrection (c. 96AD).